How can we help today?
- Can I fit a flue in a wheel well?
- Can I have a flue in an annex?
- Can I make a cover for my flue?
- Can I put a cover over my hot plate?
- Can I put a flue through a roof?
- Can I repair or replace appliances?
- Can I terminate a flue under a floor?
- Do I have to fit an appliance exactly to the manufacturer's instructions?
- Flue on fridges
- Flue to fridge vent
- Can I join a gas hose?
- Can I put an earth clip on a gas pipe?
- Can I replace main run rigid pipe with hose?
- Can I run a hose through a wall?
- Can I run pipe though walls and floors?
- Do hoses need inspection?
- Do I have to use copper pipe or can I use multilayer composite pipe?
- Do I need to clip my hoses?
- Gas hose length
- Gas hose service
- Can I use a performance solution?
- Can my apprentice or trainee perform the installation work?
- How do I access a copy of the Standard?
- I hold a Service and Caravan Certification license – can I perform gas installation work?
- Installation and certification
- Service and caravan certification license
- What are the rules for RV gas installations?
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